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The only game where players sit back-to-back-to-back-to-back to form an Octopus Chef!

Will the lunch rush be too much for the one and only octopus chef? Each player represents two tentacles of the legendary Octochef, who has risen from the deep to open up a seaside sandwich shop! Complete as many orders as you can before time runs out!

Octochef is a real-time co-operative card game where each player has a deck of ingredients to make sandwiches. Players need to work together because each deck is unique; Someone will have all the meats, while someone else will have all the condiments! Communication and teamwork is key to effectively pass around the ingredients everyone needs.

Octochef has most recently won the Cardboard Edison Award 2020 for In-Person Games and has shown well at conventions, winning “Best Family Game” at CTFIG 2019 and being nominated for “Best Family Game” at BFIG 2019.

Octochef is currently looking for an interested publisher.